この度LPG、東京を拠点に制作・活動しているアーティスト・小早川あきこの個展『between journeys』をランチパッドギャラリーにて開催致します。 小早川は、人と動物・植物、女性と男性、強さと儚さなど一見異なるものの境を曖昧にし、相反するイメージを同居させ多面的である私たちの存在に迫ります。ドローイングは主に墨とアクリル絵の具を使用し描かれています。 今回の個展では、動物と女性を掛け合わせた姿の中に、セクシーさやイノセンスなど一見相反する要素の同居を試みた作品を中心に、新作のドローイングとセラミックの立体作品を展示致します。 今回の展示タイトル『between journeys』は旅と旅の間・Homeを意味し、作家にとってランチパッドギャラリーが帰ってくる場所でありまたスタート地点であることを示唆しています。
Launch Pad Gallery is proud to present Tokyo-based artist, Akiko Kobayakawa's solo exhibition, "between journeys". She has been working consistently with paintings that have challenged us to examine ourselves through the juxtaposition of different images together; such as human beings and animals/plants, men and women, strength and fragility, and similar themes that evoke ambiguous boundaries. Her works are primarily painted with Japanese ink and acrylic paint on paper. This exhibition will additionally feature recent drawings and ceramic sculptures. In particular, her drawings attempt to combine disparate elements together which create degrees of humor and tension simultaneously, for example; sexiness and innocence. The title "between journeys" refers to the fact that Launch Pad Gallery had a different location and owner for eight years until May 2014, where she exhibited regularly. Still she feels LPG is an artistic "Home" for her. A special place where she has started many journeys, returned home, only to begin new ones.
PROFILE 小早川あきこ 1985年 東京生まれ 2005年~2007年 英国キングストン大学ファインアートコース在籍 2010年頃より東京・横浜を中心に個展・グループ展にて作品を発表している。 東京在住。
Akiko Kobayakawa Born in Tokyo in 1985 She was Educated at Kingston University,Fine Art course, London between 2005-2007 She has had solo exhibitions and group exhibitions mainly in Tokyo and Yokohama since 2010. She lives and works in Tokyo.
小早川あきこのステイメント: ランチパッドギャラリー移転後初めての個展開催の機会を頂きとても嬉しく思います。『between journeys』ではこれまで取り組んできた趣向の異なる作品を一度に展示しようと試みます。
Akiko Kobayakawa Personal Statement:
I'm pleased to have my first solo exhibition since LPG relocated from Motomachi to Ishikawacho. I'll be showing various techniques I utililize during the "between journeys" exhibition.
At the exhibition, you will see the two different approaches of my works that evoke ambiguous boundaries. In one series I attempt to paint different images; animals and human beings, together visually, and in the other series, bowls are painted as strong objects but fragile at the same time. Both these image styles contain aspects of the elements that challenge our approach to viewing them.
I have taken this path because I think the way of approaching art can be varied and have different aspects which are similar to the basic idea of my works. This is one of the reasons that I started yet another new adventure; making sculptures.
I hope you can visit my exhibition and have an enjoyable time. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.