EDITOR’S NOTE ーあるひとの収集日記ー
09.16 - 09.26 2022
Artist Kanako Iriguchi has organized an interesting, interactive, conceptual exhibition. Presenting a diary made of found objects and observations, it is then passed on to a group of editors to respond to and make their own contributions to what they see. This examination of perception will also ask viewers to contribute by bringing and sharing their own objects and leaving some memory of the day to create a new diary during the length of the exhibition.
Editor's Note ーあるひとの収集日記ー
Editor's Note - One Person's Diary of Collecting
The editors will respond to questions posed by a person's daily diary of collecting found objects, and the resulting booklet will be on display.
Visitors are encouraged to bring and share small, everyday objects to create a new diary for consideration.