「プラの島 plastic island 」窪田久美子個展
special guest 土居大記
窪田久美子さんの展示「プラの島 Plastic Island」。社会にはびこる無駄を、彼女の一貫したスタイルである洋服のようなソフトスカルプチュア作品で訴えます。今回の展示作品は再利用についてと無駄のそもそもの根源を同時に私たちに考えさせます。
Kumiko Kubota's exhibition "Plastic Island" exposes plastic waste that is filling society and brings awareness with her signature style of repurposing this waste into unique clothing. It challenges us to look both at recycling and the root cause of the waste at the same time.
Hiroki Doi Performance
Watch as performance artist Hiroki Doi uses the plastic designs made by Kumiko Kubota to inspire and improvise movement. Like a cloud passing by overhead, this performance is shapeshifting and short, lasting about 15 minutes.