12.15.2017 - 12.25.2017
ARTIST RECEPTION 12.17.2017 19:00 - 22:00 ¥500
Twenty four hours per day is a chronological unit of time that humans sense almost
naturally. However, the sensation of time varies between people and, quite likely all
sentient life forms. For example, there is a visceral difference in sensing time between
someone who is rushing onto the last train and someone who is already in a seat waiting for
departure. For each living creature, this sensation may change its chronological experience,
or perception, under a variety of circumstances including physical and mental conditions. A
clock is the device used to govern and control our societies with cold-eyed routine motion.
A strange thing we all share, is that no one we know of started time and no one we know of
can end it. All creatures are united by this phenomena. Time is a mystery of the universe
and we’ve constructed a very small system of its scale and scope. In this sense, it is as if the
universe is a vast game where suffering and bliss are confined to small individual spaces,
and time is simply a gear that keeps the game moving along.