Colours of Friendship
For over half a century, the Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese (AFWJ) has provided friendship and support for non-Japanese nationals who are or have previously been in a committed relationship with a Japanese person. The association takes pride in its efforts to offer opportunities for social, emotional, educational, and professional growth for its members. In 2009, to celebrate the 40th anniversary as well as the creativity within the group at the same time as the convention held in Chiba City that year, five members had a show at Space Galleria. This show is also being held concurrently with the AFWJ annual convention, being held in Yokohama in 2023.
The AFWJ artists live throughout Japan. Some of the participating artists connected in the AFWJ Artist Way group; some connected in the weekly online sketch group, AFWJ Sketch Sprints; others wanted to express their creativity in this show. Some have had education or training in art in other countries; some took courses in Japan. Each has a unique voice.
With autumn leaves beginning to delight us with their annual brocade of red, yellow, and brown, we hope that viewers also enjoy the colours in this show.
AFWJのアーティストは日本全国に住んでいる。参加アーティストの中には、AFWJ Artist Wayグループでつながった人、毎週開催されるAFWJ Sketch Sprintsというオンライン・クロッキー会でつながった人、このショーで自分の創造性を表現したいと思った人などが集まってる。海外でアートの教育や訓練を受けた人もいれば、日本で講習を受けた人もいる。それぞれがユニークな声を持っている。