5-186-8 ISHIKAWACHO, YOKOHAMA 045-641-1511 金-日 13:00-19:00 / FRI-SUN 13:00~19:00


Information about past and future events at Launch Pad Gallery. Includes artist information and photographs.

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EDITOR'S NOTE ーあるひとの収集日記ー

  • LAUNCH PAD GALLERY Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 231-0868 Japan (map)

Editor's Note ーあるひとの収集日記ー



Editor's Note - One Person's Diary of Collecting

The editors will respond to questions posed by a person's daily diary of collecting, and the resulting booklet will be on display.

Visitors are free to write what they consider to be their own collecting diary.